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In the Classroom

Frequently Asked Questions


What kind of legal services do you provide?


We provide a broad range of corporate legal services including but not limited to, Arbitration/mediation, Business plans and execution, Consumer Advocacy, Debt collection, Escrow/Trust options, Franchise consulting, In house counsel, Merchant account development, Online purchase security.  You can find a complete list of our services on the Business services page.


Do you charge for a consultation?


We never charge for an initial brief consultation.  At the free initial consultation, we will discuss the details of your potential case, the legal process and answer any questions you may have.  This can be scheduled for an in house visit, skype conference call, or simply by telephone.


What about out-of-pocket fees?


These fees vary depending on what type of services we assist you with.  In certain situations, such as Online Purchases assistants, the services we offer can be completely free to you as the consumer! 


Why choose a law firm?


We are in an age of specialization. As times have changed, no attorney can possibly keep up with all areas and complexities of the law.  Our firm is unique in that while we specialize in various aspects of the law in house, the size of our interconnected relationships run deep.  This allows us to offer counsel on nearly any facet of the law.


What do I do when I have a question?


We are interested in your questions and we want you to ask them. Sometimes we are required to be out of the office, even for days at a time. When in the office, we meet with clients, complete research, review documents, or prepare contracts, briefs or pleadings. For the most efficient and quickest response please contact us via phone or by email.  This information can be found on our “contact page”.


Every attempt will be made to get the answers for you, or we will arrange to have your attorney contact you as quickly as possible as we understand your concerns and issues. Above all, leave a message so we know your concern in advance. If you do that, we will always try to get an answer back to you even if your attorney is out of the office when you call.


What information do you need from me in order to get started?


It is best to be as proactive as possible.  In most instances you should hire us prior to transactions you are wanting to make.  Please have all your information ready for your initial consultation when scheduling a time with us.


How do I get started?


The best way to begin is to call us to set up your free consultation at (385)-626-1940, or e-mail us at


Why do I need a corporate lawyer?


You need a corporate lawyer to protect you and watch your back.  A well-drafted agreement is like a good insurance policy in the event of a dispute or litigation.  Indeed, we live in a litigious society, and it is prudent to retain a good lawyer to make sure you don’t get blindsided.  A good lawyer will also provide solid advice and judgment, identify significant risks and help negotiate key terms in a transaction.


Why can’t I just use a Web service like LegalZoom or Clerk?


You can — but as the saying goes, “you get what you pay for.”  If your particular project or transaction is significant, it makes sense to hire a good lawyer for the same reason it makes sense to see a good doctor if you’re very sick.  Moreover, Web services like LegalZoom or Clerky are not law firms and do not provide legal advice; they simply provide fill-in-the-blank forms, which often have no context and are not tailored to any one situation.  The role of a good lawyer is more than just providing a form — he or she is a trusted advisor, who will strategize with you and will help you think through key business and legal issues.


Assuming I need a good lawyer, why should I engage with Marker Law and Mediation?


 We are a different kind of law firm.  We have years of dispute/mediation under our belt.  This allows us to assist in most areas of business as well as family law.  We have also created a new business model designed for entrepreneurs and startups looking for an alternative to the big law firms.  The big firms want clients generating huge, recurring legal fees (VC groups, private equity firms etc).   When working with larger firms, clients often find that their work has been assigned to young associates with little or no experience. 


Why are the legal fees at Marker Law and Mediation so much lower than the big firms?


The traditional law firm business model is broken — which has caused legal fees to sky-rocket over the past ten years.  For example, there are lawyers at certain major national law firms billing-out at $1,000+ per hour.  A large reason is overhead.  The big law firms are simply passing onto their clients their huge overhead costs — things like expensive office space (often with artwork and dramatic views), large support staffs (e.g., assistants, librarians and file clerks) and, of course, extremely high-paid associates.  We have created an innovative business model which strips-out the huge overhead costs of the traditional law firm and passes the savings onto our clients.

Are all your services in house?


Most of our corporate mediation, and creation are done in house.  For those items needed that we don’t offer, we have established a vast relationship of services relating to business startup mentors, establishing business credit, financing options etc. 


What does your prepaid legal services entail?


This service includes the review and management of any new sale for a coaching or business package purchase made online via phone sales.   This means we will review documents, refund policies, and best practices for you so the high-pressure salesman doesn’t entrap you into a high dollar coaching program that you may not need or know much about the fulfillment track record of the company.    We are here to help minimize frustration with some of these online “business opportunities” that are offered.  We understand some programs have merit and others simply are scams without much content.  Let our experience help you identify the value that is out there!  Please see more details on our Prepaid legal page.



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